Become a Member Today!
Thank you for your interest in CMA!
Memberships are active from Sept 1, 2024 until August 31, 2025.
CMA values your privacy and will not distribute your information to anyone.
Complete the form below before, then submit your payment using the Pay Now button or by paying through Zelle,
Golden Bead Membership- Individual $35/year
Best for:
The individual teacher whose school has not applied for a group membership and would like to attend workshops for professional development
The administrator who attends workshops and posts jobs throughout the year (but does not have a group membership for their school)
Individuals who are not associated with any school or educational organization (parents, friends)
Attend the year's CMA workshops for free.
Ability to post job postings, advertisements, and celebrations to CMA network.
Ten Bar Membership - Small Group
Best for:
Any school or organization that has 10 teachers or fewer
Administrators can post unlimited job postings, advertisements, and celebrations
Administrators, teachers and parents from the organization can attend any CMA hosted workshop for free
Logo and link to your school on CMA website and bottom of the CMA Grapevine newsletter
Hundred Square Membership- Medium Group $750/Year
Best for:
Any school or organization that has between 11-25 teachers
Administrators can post job postings, advertisements, and celebrations
Administrators, teachers, and parents from the organization can attend any CMA hosted workshop for free
Logo and link to your school on CMA website and bottom of the CMA Grapevine newsletter
Thousand Cube Membership- Large Group $1,000/year
Best for:
Any school or organization that has 26 or more teachers
Administrators can post job postings, advertisements, and celebrations in the CMA
Grapevine newsletterAdministrators, teachers, and parents from the organization can attend any CMA
hosted workshop for freeLogo and link to your school on CMA website and bottom of the CMA Grapevine newsletter
Join Now!
Pay through Zelle, using
If using a credit card use the link below.
Member Schools